Effective Ways to Combat Tonsillitis

Hello, I am Dr Padmajothi, Senior Homeopathic Consultant. Today, we are here to discuss a very common disease, Tonsillitis.

Homeopathy Medicine


Tonsillitis is an infection of your tonsils. Common symptoms include a sore throat in combination with fever, swollen tonsils, difficulty swallowing, and swollen lymph nodes. Tonsillitis treatment depends on the cause of the infection. Although most common in children, tonsillitis can affect people of all ages.

Who gets tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is most common in children, but it can affect people of all ages. Tonsillitis rarely occurs in children under the age of three. Tonsillitis is very common. Most people have tonsillitis at least once in their lifetime.

What are the common tonsillitis symptoms and what do they feel like?

The most common symptom is a very sore throat. You might feel quite tired and weak like you have a bad cold or flu. People with tonsillitis may experience a host of other symptoms which are:
  • Sore or scratchy throat
  • Pain or difficulty swallowing
  • Red, swollen tonsils and throat
  • Whitish spots on your tonsils- or a white, yellow, or gray coating on your tonsils
  • Fever above 100.4°F (38°C)
  • Swollen lymph nodes (glands on the sides of your neck below your ears)
  • A scratchy, muffled, or throaty voice
  • A headache
  • A loss of appetite
  • Difficulty in breathing through the mouth
  • Bas breath
  • Stomachache or vomiting (more common in younger children)
Is tonsillitis contagious?

Yes. The viruses and bacteria that cause tonsillitis are highly contagious.
They are passed along by:

1. Kissing or sharing utensils, food or drink.

2. Coming into close contact with someone who's sick.

3. Touching a contaminated surface and then touching your nose or mouth.

4. Inhaling tiny particles that become airborne when a sick person sneezes and            coughs.

There are three types:

Acute tonsillitis: These symptoms usually last 3 or 4 days but can last up to 2 weeks.

Recurrent tonsillitis: This is when you get tonsillitis several times a year.

Chronic tonsillitis: This is when you have a long-term tonsil infection.

The Problems with this disease:-

Tonsilitis can be viral or bacterial. There are some problems caused by this disease and some of them are:

1. Viral tonsillitis: Viruses like colds and flu (influenza) cause up to
    70% of tonsillitis cases.

2. Bacterial tonsillitis (strep throat): Bacteria, such as Group
    A Streptococcus, cause other cases of tonsillitis. Bacterial tonsillitis
    is commonly called strep throat. People without tonsils can still get
    strep throat.

3. Allergens: Certain allergens may also trigger this condition. They are
    usually in the form of certain food items, such as artificially colored
    sweets, sour fruits, bananas, preservatives added to certain drinks,
    cold food or drinks, ice creams, and similar others.

4. Environmental Factors: These may trigger an attack of tonsillitis on
    the exposure to excessively cold weather, damp climate, or change in
    the weather.

5. Overcrowded Areas: Bacteria and viruses tend to flourish in crowded
    areas and hence children who are prone to tonsillitis can easily catch
    the infection in schools, parks, theaters, and other crowded places.

Before we go to how we are going to cure this disease with homeopathy, let us know about the medical branch "Homeopathy".

What is Homeopathy? :-

Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process.

How does it work?

A basic belief behind homeopathy is “like cures like.” In other words, something that brings on symptoms in a healthy person can (in a very small dose)
 treat an illness with similar symptoms. This is meant to trigger the body’s natural defenses.

For example, red onion makes your eyes water. That’s why it’s used in homeopathic remedies for allergies. Treatments for other ailments are made from poison ivy, white arsenic, crushed whole bees, and an herb called arnica.

Homeopathic doctors (who also are called “homeopaths”) weaken these ingredients by adding water or alcohol. Then they shake the mixture as part of a process called “potentization.” They believe this step transfers the healing essence. Homeopaths also believe that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine. In fact, many of these remedies no longer contain any molecules of the original substance. They come in a variety of forms, like sugar pellets, liquid drops, creams, gels, and tablets.

Now, we go to how we treat this disease with homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic Treatment:-

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for both acute and
chronic tonsillitis. Frequent attacks of tonsillitis suggest low immunity. Hence, internal immune correction is necessary which is possible with
homeopathy. Since tonsillitis is common among children, homeopathy is very safe and highly effective in treating most cases of tonsillitis. Unnecessary surgical removal can be avoided by going for homeopathic medicines.

Certain homeopathic remedies which are useful in tonsillitis are Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Mercurius solubilis, Hepar sulphuricum, Lachesis, and Tuberculinum. These medicines should not be taken without a prescription. The exact remedy is selected based on the individual case analysis.

Scope of Improvement Using Homeopathy- 

The frequency of the episodes of tonsillitis reduces after taking homeopathic treatment. You may experience a reduction in the severity or intensity of the pain resulting from the episode of tonsillitis. The dependence on antibiotics reduces when on homeopathic treatment.

Preventing the surgical removal of tonsils may become possible in more than 70% of the cases of tonsillitis. Immunity of the child improves with homeopathy. There occurs a change in appetite and one can even observe weight gain in underweight children. This is possible because the child does not fall ill often.

Duration of Homeopathic Treatment-

The duration of treatment depends on the time since when the individual is suffering from tonsillitis. Most individuals suffering from tonsillitis show a remarkable improvement in health in about six months. Most kids, who may have been recommended surgery may no longer be advised by the ENT surgeon, in about 10 to 14 months.

Supportive Measures for Tonsillitis (Diet, Lifestyle Changes & Others)-

Tonsillitis can be viral or bacterial. These germs are airborne and contagious, hence practicing good hygiene is necessary to prevent tonsillitis. These are some effective ways to reduce symptoms of tonsillitis.

1. Wash hands properly and frequently, particularly after using the toilet and before eating any food.

2. Drinking plenty of fluids will prevent the throat from drying out and becoming your condition more uncomfortable.

3. Warm fluids, preferably caffeine-free drinks, tend to soothe the throat and ameliorate the relief from the discomfort.

4. Gargling with salt water might help obtain relief from the discomfort.

5. Steam inhalation may help.

6. Avoid irritants, such as tobacco, and avoid smoky locations.

5 best Homeopathic medicines for Tonsillitis - Homeopathic Specialist‎ Dr  Harsh Sharma

Homeopathy Medicines for Tonsillitis-

Based on my experience of treating and curing hundreds of cases of tonsillitis, I am giving some medicines that are commonly indicated. These medicines are by no means exhaustive. This means that this is not the end of the list of medicines that are used for tonsillitis. It just means that these medicines are more commonly used.

The best homeopathic medicines for tonsillitis are-

  1. Arsenic Album- best medicine for tonsillitis with restlessness and thirst

  2. Belladonna – best medicine for tonsillitis with redness

  3. Hepar Sulph – best homeopathic remedy for tonsils with pus formation

  4. Merc Sol- best treatment for tonsils with increased sweating

  5. Baryta Carb – best homeopathic medicine for tonsillitis due to exposure to cold

Tonsillitis Homeopathy Management-


It is indicated for tonsillitis with pain in the ears where the pain from the tonsils extends to the ears. Pain is worse from swallowing especially hot food and drinks with a burning sensation in the throat. Dark red or bluish in appearance with a sensation of a lump in the throat. Tonsils are swollen, especially on the right side, and sharp shooting pain in the ears, pain at the root of the tongue, and pain when the child sticks out their tongue. Constricted feeling in the throat. Swelling in the glands of the neck.


Streptococcinum is an important homeopathic medicine for treating tonsillitis with throat infection. Enlarged swollen tonsils with a tendency to recurrent infections. It is also a very good medicine to treat peritonsillar abscesses with purulent discharge.


It is one of the most indicated medicines in homeopathy for tonsillitis. Belladonna is used in all kinds of inflammatory conditions. It can be used in both acute and chronic conditions. It is indicated for pain in the throat on swallowing with congestion and swelling of the tonsils. Throat red with mild to moderate fever, headache and malaise. The complaints are worse from cold things and exposure to cold air and better from warm drinks.

Mercurius solubilis-

It is indicated for tonsillitis with pain in the throat, congestion and, difficulty drinking or eating anything. Increased salivation with increased thirst. The pain is worse at night. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and submandibular region accompanied by mild to moderate fever.

Hepar Sulphur-

Hepar Sulphur is one of the best homeopathic medicines for recurrent tonsillitis.

There is a marked tendency to suppuration.

The sensation is a plug or a splinter in the throat.

It is also indicated for quinsy with suppuration of tonsils.

Stitching pain in the throat extending to the ear.

The complaints are accompanied by mild to moderate fever and chilliness.

Very chilly patients, cannot tolerate any cold air or cold water.

Calcarea Carbonica-

It is a very good medicine for chronic and recurrent tonsillitis.

It acts especially well in chubby and obese children.

Easily exhausted on the slightest physical activity with excessive sweating.

The children are very susceptible to catching colds.

The tonsils are swollen and enlarged from the slightest exposure to cold.

The throat is very painful on swallowing.

Baryta Carbonica-

It is the best homeopathic medicine for chronic and recurrent tonsillitis.

The tonsils are inflamed, swollen, and very painful.

Weak subjects with a tendency to catch cold easily.

Every cold settles in the throat.

Enlarged tonsils, and enlarged glands in the neck.

The throat is very painful on swallowing with congestion.

Arsenicum album-

It is indicated for tonsillitis when there is a burning pain in the throat.

Pain is relieved by warm food or drinks and aggravated by cold food or drinks.

The symptoms begin with a nasal discharge and then affect the throat.

The pain is worse on the right side.

Ferrum phosphoricum-

It is indicated for acute attacks of tonsillitis. The symptoms are slow to develop and are less painful. The throat is red and swollen, especially in the morning. Pain in swallowing which gets better from cold food and drinks. Hoarseness of voice.


It is indicated for tonsillitis where the pain is relieved by swallowing foods and is aggravated by empty swallowing. The sensation of a lump in the throat with hoarseness or a complete loss of voice.


It is a left-side remedy for pain and swelling of the tonsils on the left side. The glands are swollen and the throat is very sensitive to touch. The throat appears red or purplish in hue. Constant tickling or a sensation of a splinter in the throat. The pains are worse by empty swallowing or drinking warm or hot liquids and are better when swallowing the foods.


While homeopathy cannot replace conventional medical care for tonsillitis, it offers a potential complementary and holistic approach to managing and potentially curing this condition. By focusing on individualized treatment, addressing the underlying causes, and promoting overall well-being, homeopathy can play a significant role in the journey toward healing and improved quality of life.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before initiating any new treatment or making changes to existing treatment plans.

Blog by Dr. Padmajothi
